Tim Gillespie - Transportation Program Specialist
Contact information:
Phone - 209.533.6564
Email - tgillespie@co.tuolumne.ca.us

In May of 2021 Tuolumne County Transportation Agency was the recipient of 5310 state grant that is currently funding a Mobility Management Program. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this program was delayed a couple months and officially started late July 2021. Mobility Management address the needs of our Counties most vulnerable residents, Seniors, Veterans, Disabled and Lower Income. The fixed route system does not work for everyone and for those people our Mobility Manager is the solution. However, the Mobility Manager is here to also address the transportation needs of students, commuters and the general public. Understanding how public transit can meet your needs can be confusing, so call 209.533.6564 and let the Mobility Manager help you access Transit in Tuolumne County.
Program Goals
Outreach Solutions Sustainability
In Tuolumne County Mobility Management starts with the concept that all modes of transportation need to work together in order to deliver the most enhanced transportation options. Coordination between available services has already began and requests from county residents continue to come in. Some of these requests are very specific and we will be doing our best to find the solution that works best for those customers. If you have a transportation need that’s not being met by any of the counties transportation programs you can leave a comment here and we’ll respond promptly.
Here is a list of all available transportation providers:
Dial-Your-Ride 209.532.0404
Golden Years Transit ​ 209.532.0404
Veterans Administration 209.588.2600
Wheels and The Wave Bus (Groveland area) 209.962.6952
Tuolumne TRIP 209.533.5603
Courtesy Cab Co. 209.533.2227
Frontier Cab 209.288.2900